Items Made By Autistic People

This opportunity is a Reclaimed Treasures initiative to train autistic individuals to make items using woodworking skills. These finished items would be sold as AHP-branded products in a to-be-created shop on Etsy. 100% of the proceeds from these sales will go directly to AHP.
The key component will be to find a manager connected to AHP. This person will have a variety of duties including but not limited to:
Find autistic people who already have some woodworking skills or would like to develop these skills
Work with Reclaimed Treasures to:
help create step-by-step jobs aids to build/make items
schedule & conduct training sessions to build/make items​
Manage the Etsy shop
Ship items bought on Etsy to the customers
Get a booth at the Kane County flea market to sell the AHP-branded items
Here's pics of possible items that can be made:
Another item that can be made is a unique footrest for a barrel table. This footrest is not available anywhere online and could be a lucrative product. Its made of galvanized pipe fittings and comes in 2 colors - silver and black. The silver color is pictured below:

Do You Know Someone Who Could Help?
Call or Text Karl Preiwisch